Message Board Poster Identification

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The Shoe Gang originally formed after a group of women posters on an AOL message board discovered they shared many things in common, mostly a love of shoes. It is apparent in all we post and whenever we are seen: We love our shoes and we love our fellow gang members.

We also found out that there are certain 'personalities' that frequent message boards. The names change, but the same basic characteristics keep reappearing. To help you figure out the different posters you may encounter, we have developed this page. Please use it as guide, to further enhance your online experience.

Disclaimer: none of these descriptions is meant to identify a particular screen name. These are general descriptions. However, if you feel one of them, or several, describe you, congratulations. You are recognized as a regular on a message board and fill a vital role.

As with every page on this website, do not continue on if you cannot have fun. And remember there is hope for you, but the first step on your road to recovery is identifying the problem.


I don't know how to have fun : (


The Fifties woman grew up in the decade of poodle skirts and milkshakes. She is older now, but still as sexy as ever, with many years of experience! The Fifties guy is still a hunka hunka burnin' love, and very polite. Thank you, thank you very much. Their posts are pleasant, though when Instant Messaging, the receiver has to be patient, they have not all mastered the computer. They often post requests for help in computer related problems.

  The Sixties woman is still a go go go! She, along with the Sixties guy, still believes in free love.


There is always a board angel. She is sweet, pure and her posts reflect that.

  Most boards will have at least one military wife/gf. They come to the boards missing their s/o and quickly join in the discussions.

The Bachelor flirts with all the gals on the boards, spreading his charm to all of the women.

The Wilma poster is a dedicated wife/mother who budgets her money. It's a shame there is never enough money left for shoes.

This poster is half angel, half devil. She is nice to people off the boards, then uses what she has learned about them to be mean to them on the boards.

  The Barbarian is rough around the edges, but exudes a pheromone the women cannot resist.

The Black Widow comes to the boards with the sole purpose of finding her next victim.

The Boxer and The Karate kid will not back down when challenged. They normally do not start fights, but will defend themselves, and their friends.

The Bride is a married gal looking for folks to chat with. She is happily married, and does not normally get involved in serious online flirting. She often posts requests for ideas to 'surprise her man.'

The Brit and the Geisha are located outside the US. They usually bring a different perspective to the discussions, though at times the difference in word meanings will cause slight problems.

The Bunny hops from board to board, joining discussions that interest her. A search of her screen name reveals posts on many many boards.

  The Buzz Lightyear brags that he is a wonderful lover, and can take a woman "To Infinity and Beyond" in the bedroom.

The Jan Brady poster always has to be the center of attention. If she's not, she will whine: 'Marcia, Marcia, Marcia'

The Woody is always, uh, well, his name IS Woody.

The clown spreads her sense of humor to many threads. Her goal is to make people laugh, and she laughs along with them.

The Construction Worker is a working woman, doing a traditionally man's job. Many posters will criticize her for this. Some men posters are angry she took a job from a man.

The Minnie Mouse poster is (and has been for years) devoted to her real life man. Everyone on the board knows it, and envys her. She also has a great shoe collection [ Fun Shoe Facts ]

  The Law Enforcement poster serves many purposes. She will tos inappropriate posts (or posts she just doesn't like), she makes sure posters copy and paste, and at times issues citations for misspelled words or incorrect grammer. She is, for the most part, someone who can't have fun. And where does she need to go? You got it, Click: I don't know how to have fun : ( because recognizing the problem is the first step towards recovery.

The Detective Poster feels the need to find out every little tidbit of private information about the other posters. She keeps this info, to use at a later date. Unfortunately, often it is used to hurt someone.

  The Devil poster is one whose main characteristic, being evil, comes in varying degrees. In her mildest form, this poster is just a nuisance, but the more severe cases relish in causing trouble for other posters, by whatever means possible. This includes invading their private lives. Often the Devil poster has Detective poster characteristics.

The Diva poster (whose younger version is the Princess poster) expects everyone to cater to her. Things must be done her way, or the pouting, whining, and complaining start.

Just as the original Evil Queen hated that 7 men adored Snow White, the Evil Queen poster hates any woman on a board that is liked by any of the men.

  The Dominatrix insists on dominating the board, telling everyone what they should post, how often they should post, and even what their posts mean.


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